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The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts Page 5

  But again, there are problems with that scenario, for Van Flandern’s suggested matter-antimatter separation and storage model suggests that such “antimatter accumulation” is a natural event in massive planetary bodies, and that in turn would not only suggest that exploding planets are a rather commonplace occurrence, but also that large accumulations of anti-matter can be stored and kept separate from matter by natural causes! Yet, no exploding planets have been observed in modern astronomical history. More importantly, it has not been demonstrated that antimatter can even occur in the large amounts seemingly suggested by Van Flandern’s speculative model, much less stored and maintained separately by natural causes for a prolonged period of time.58 In the end, one is left with the most significant problem of them all: planets just do not suddenly and spontaneously explode. There is simply no good model to explain such an event by natural causes.

  And this leads to Van Flandern’s last suggestion, the one that simultaneously is the most radical and yet, the most plausible; the explosion of a planet might result “from the intervention of intelligent beings. In my opinion, the last possibility should not be dismissed out of hand.”59 “Intervention by intelligent beings” implies the existence of such beings in the first place, and secondly, implies their knowledge of a physics capable of blowing up a planet, and their possession of the technological means of doing so. This is a consequently breathtaking statement for someone of Van Flandern’s stature to make! Van Flandern is gingerly and delicately implying that his exploded planets might have been blown up in deliberate acts of war. Yet, as will be seen in Part Two of this book, it is precisely this model that the abundance of ancient texts actually supports!

  (1) The Relevance of the Modern Fictitious Scenario

  Van Flandern’s scenario of “intervention by intelligent beings” now highlights the relevance of the fictitious scenario that began this chapter, for clearly, one such motivation for an “intervention by intelligent beings” would be precisely to protect their world from a catastrophic collision with asteroid. But unfortunately, the possession of a technology sufficient to defend against such a threat also inevitably implies the existence of a technology that can be used for a similar purpose in war.

  As Van Flandern has pointed out in the above series of quotations, such collisions, while catastrophic to the planet undergoing them, even to the point of the near extinction of all life on it, are not really plausible explanations for the explosion of the entire planet itself. Moreover, there is an even more pressing problem with this “intervention” to destroy a wandering planetary body like an asteroid, and that problem is highlighted by the Exploded Planet Hypothesis itself: asteroids are the result of planetary explosions. In other words, in order to defend against an asteroid, one must first explode a planet to begin with. After all, this is how the Exploded Planet Hypothesis began, as an explanation for the existence of asteroids. And there’s the rub, for no good mechanism exists for why a planet should suddenly and spontaneously explode, barring “intervention by intelligent beings. ” and thus, inexorably, one is faced with the real cause of the exploded and missing planet:


  (2) Rilles: Water? Or Something Else? The Problem of Peratt

  But what type of war? And what types of phsyics does exploding a planet imply? What types of weapons might be constructed upon that physics? Clearly, to explode a planet would require a truly vast amount of energy. Van Flandern points the way forward in two unlikely passages:

  Recent examination of the global distribution of interstellar hydrogen “clouds” by G. Verschuur suggests that the majority of the observed ones actually are parts of filaments(as would result from a supernova explosion), are quite young, and lie within 100 parsecs of the Sun. This surprising result suggests a linkage with the planetary breakup in the solar system.60

  Such filaments are but one step away from the electrical plasma filaments that Swedish Nobel laureate and plasma physicist Hannes Alfvén posited to exist in huge inter-galactic electrical currents. Such enormous energies imply, of course, energies not only sufficient to the task of at least seriously scarring and searing planetary surface, but also a deeper physics capable of blowing one up.

  But is there any evidence for this type of huge electrical discharge in the solar system?

  Van Flandern indicates just such a class of evidence:

  Mars displays evidence that there was enough water for a brief period to produce flowing rivers and channels, although that would be impossible today. Sinuous rilles on the Moon and Mars are almost certainly water-carved features, and relatively recent as well, judging from the lack of overlying craters. The assumption that they must be from lava flows is inconsistent in some cases, since the rilles don’t slope away from potential lava sources, and neither lava nor any other candidate substance is not known to carve sinuous features.61

  As we shall see in the next chapter, however, some of these Martian and Lunar rilles point not to water as their origin, but precisely to gigantic electrostatic discharges. They point to a physics sufficient to the task of planetary scarring of large areas of a planet’s surface, to a physics that is weaponizable, and most importantly, to human observers of the events. And that physics in turn points to an even deeper physics, one that might be capable of exploding an entire planet.

  In short, the rilles point to plasmas and to “the problem of Peratt.”



  “Who would have guessed that the myths of ancient cultures could throw new light on the mysterious surface features of planets and moons? Or give new meaning to current work in artificial-lightning laboratories?” 62

  Mel and Amy Acheson62

  A. Plasma Cosmology and Ancient Mythology

  One of the more recent and serious entries into the question of the existence of an ancient paleophysics must surely be plasma cosmology. Brainchild of Swedish physicist and Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén, plasma cosmology is a significant departure within mainstream physics from the “Big Bang” cosmology spawned by Einstein’s relativity theories and pursued by most cosmological physicists. In Alfven’s view, the most important force in the universe is not the geometry of gravity, as with relativity-based cosmological theories, but electromagnetism, and the complex geometries of rotating plasma vortices. In Alfvén’s view, electromagnetism spans all scales, from the very small to the very large, including star-and-planetary systems, to whole galaxies, to the even larger scale of clusters of galaxies. This is another way of saying that our own galaxy and solar system are not electrically neutral, but rather, electrically dynamic systems.

  Eric J. Lerner - a noted plasma physicist himself and author of the best layman’s study of plasma cosmology, The Big Bang Never Happened - traces Alfvén’s fascination with plasmas to his boyhood experiences in Sweden, where Alfvén “was fascinated by the spectacular displays of the northern lights, the moving curtains of filaments and spikes.“63 Alfvén even quipped humorously that ”,Our ancestors called them ‘the Spears of Odin,””64 a statement as we shall soon see that may not be a joke after all, but a significant clue into a paleophysical problem discovered by fellow plasma physicist Anthony Peratt.

  What Alfvén soon began to notice, however, was that the same filaments that he saw in aurora displays were also being found in his laboratory:

  “Whenever a piece of vacuum equipment started to misbehave, there they were,” he recalls. They were there too, in photographs of solar prominences and of the distant Veil and Orion nebulas....

  Many investigators had analyzed the laboratory filaments before, so Alfvén knew what they were: tiny electromagnetic vortices that snake through a plasma, carrying electrical currents. The vortices are produced by a phenomenon known as the “pinch effect.” A straight thread of electrical current flowing through a plasma produces a cylindrical magnetic field, which attracts other currents flowing in the same direc
tion. Thus the tiny current threads tend to “pinch” together, drawing the plasma with them... The converging threads twine into a plasma rope, much as water converging toward a drain generates a swirling vortex, or air rushes together in a tornado. The filaments are plasma whirlwinds.65

  Lerner explains the implications of this important phenomenon as follows:

  Magnetic fields and currents can concentrate matter and energy far faster and more effectively than can gravity. The magnetic force of a plasma thread increases with the velocity of the plasma. This leads to a feedback effect: as threads are pulled into the vortex, they move faster, which increases the force on the threads of current and pulls them still faster into the filament. In addition, a contracting mass tends to spin faster and faster, like an ice skater who pulls in his or her arms. This generates a centrifugal force which fights the contraction. Magnetic filaments can carry away this excess spin, or angular momentum, allowing further contraction, while gravity cannot.66

  Lerner reproduces the following diagram to illustrate this “pinch effect:”

  Pinching Effect of an Electrical Current in a Plasma67

  One unique component of Alfvén’s theory was its ability to be applied to systems of any scale, from the very large to the very small. “Plasmas should look similar no matter how big or small they are. ‘If we can extrapolate from the laboratory to the solar system, which is a hundred trillion times larger,’ he asks, ‘then why shouldn’t plasma behave the same way for the entire observable universe, another hundred trillion times larger?’”68 Consequently,

  In his theory, a galaxy, spinning in the magnetic fields of intergalactic space, generates electricity, as any conductor does when it moves through a magnetic field... The huge electrical current produced by the galaxy flows in great filamentary spirals toward the center of the galaxy, where it turns and flows out along the spin axis. This galactic current then short-circuits, driving a vast amount of energy into the galactic core. The galaxy “blows a fuse”: powerful electrical fields are created in the nucleus which accelerate intense jets of electrons and ions out along the axis (of spin).69

  Thus, as fellow plasma physicist Anthony Peratt demonstrated, computer generated simulations of this electromagnetic plasma pinch effect are able to generate the familiar forms of spiral galaxies, as the following pictures show (reading the pictures time-wise from left to right, then down the page):

  Computer Simulations of Plasma Pinch Effects Over Time70

  Peratt was able to demonstrate even more stunning correlations between these computer simulations and actual galaxies, for he found that he “could link up each picture of a galaxy with some stage of one of my simulations and I knew exactly what forces - electromagnetic forces - were shaping the galaxies.”71 Lerner reproduces Peratt’s simulations and the galaxies - 3C66, 3C285, NGC3187, NGC1300, and M95 - that he compared with his simulations. The results are stunning:

  Comparison of Actual Galaxies with Peratt’s Computer Simulation11

  The implications of plasma cosmology for the hypothesis of an ancient interplanetary war, fought with horrendously powerful weapons, now begins to take on significance, for if a planetary system such as our solar system, or a galaxy such as our own Milky Way, are not electrically neutral, then the same basic technology that allows such simulations to be made, might, on a larger and more sophisticated scale, also be able to tap into these enormous supplies of energy for either good or ill. In short, such a principle could conceivably be weaponized, and if weaponized, then it becomes entirely feasible that exploding a planet would be child’s play for the very energy of an entire planetary system, much less a galaxy.72

  And these observations bring up...

  1... The Problem of the Mercury Rectifiers.

  Alfvén was soon confronted by a new phenomenon associated with plasmas: the sudden and explosive release of energy. As Eric Lerner puts it:

  By forming the filamentary structures observed on the smallest and largest scales, matter and energy can be compressed in space. But it is clear that energy can be compressed in time as well - the universe is filled with sudden, explosive releases of energy. One example that Alfvén was familiar with is the solar flare, the sudden release of energy on the sun’s surface, which generates the streams of particles that produce magnetic storms on earth.... Understanding the explosive release of energy was the key to the dynamics of the cosmos.

  Again, Alfvén and his colleagues drew inspiration not from mathematical theory, but from their practical work in technology. In the late fifties, Alfvén and others at the Royal Institute had been called in by the Swedish Power company, ASEA, to solve an urgent problem. Most of Sweden’s electrical supply is generated by hydroelectric power in the north of the country, and is then transmitted over six hundred miles to the industrial south. ASEA found that it was cheaper to transform the alternating current to direct current for transmission with large mercury rectifiers. A rectifier allows a current to pass in only one direction, holding it back for the other half of the cycle, thus producing DC. But every so often a rectifier would explode, causing considerable damage.

  Herlofson and Alfvén were consulted because the rectifier mechanism, consisting of a low-pressure mercury vapor cell, employs a current-carrying plasma. The team from the Royal Institute rapidly located the problem: the pressure of the mercury vapor in the rectifiers was too low. As a result, at high currents nearly all the electrons carried the electrical flow, creating an unstable situation in which the plasma started to slosh about within the rectifier.

  ....(At) high current something else happened. If the ions accidentally spilled out of a region, the electrons in the current would rush toward the ions with such momentum that their collision pushed the ions farther out of the region. This accelerated the electrons more, and so on. However, a few ions would break away and accelerate toward the electrons on the other side, pushing most of them back. An ever-widening tear in the plasma would open up, with electrons bunching up on one side and ions on the other. As the gap widened, fewer electrons could pass, so the current... would drop. This is like unplugging an appliance. The drop in current produces a sudden drop in the magnetic field created by the current, and the changing magnetic field creates a powerful electrical force that further accelerates the electrons. In the case of an unplugged appliance, the voltage becomes high enough to make a spark jump across from the socket to the plug. In the case of the rectifier, the voltage builds and builds until the electrons heat the rectifier plasma so hot that an explosion ensues, and gigantic sparks jump through the air in the station. Energy is suddenly released, creating the explosive damage.73

  Note what is really being said here. Since ions - the protons and neutrons of an atom separated from their electrons - constitute most of the mass of any given substance, the mercury rectifiers, in this unstable state, were pushing the mass of the mercury amay from the rectifier itself, that is, an anti-gravitational (or more aptly, a contrabaric) effect was being created. Note secondly that the same basic technology also could be used to produce an explosion.

  And this brings us, surprisingly, to the Nazis.

  2. Plasma Pinch, Plasma Focuses, and the Nazi “Bell” Project

  Lerner’s interest in plasma cosmology led him to investigate controlled fusion research, and to a fusion researcher named Winston Bostick.

  Bostick’s research centered on a fusion device called the plasma focus. This focus - invented independently in the early sixties by a Soviet, N. V. Filippov, and an American, Joseph Mather - is extremely simple, in contrast to the huge and complex tokamak, a large magnetic device that has long dominated fusion research. The focus consisted of two conducting copper cylinders, several centimeters across, nested inside each other.... When a large current is discharged across the cylinder, a remarkable sequence of eventr occurs. 74

  But for readers of my two books on Nazi secret weapons, Reich of the Black Sun, and The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, this construction of two nested cylinders acro
ss which a large current is discharged will sound all too familiar, for this is the exact principle of construction of the Nazis’ most highly classified wartime secret weapons project, “the Bell.” And like Alfv6n’s “mercury rectifiers,” the “Bell” utilized a mysterious compound code named “IRR Xerum 525,” a violet-reddish hued liquid compound that I speculated was some isotope of mercury and other elements. This compound was placed into the cylinders of the Bell, and subjected to intense electrical pulsing. The only difference between the Bell and Bostick’s plasma focus (and indeed, between it and all other plasma focuses) is that the Bell’s two cylinders were rotated in contrary directions to each other, a simple but brilliant expedient that the Nazi scientists had hit upon for the cohering75 of the spin of the atoms-soon-to-be-ions of mercury and other substances that they were experimenting with. Additionally, the Nazi scientists also added one more factor: they cooled this mysterious substance inside the Bell with liquid oxygen or nitrogen. These sophisticated additions would have, in all probability, have made the Bell a much more efficient device than the common plasma focus.76

  In any case, Lerner reproduces the following schematic of a plasma focus device:

  Plasma Focus Detice 77

  But what happened when Bostick turned on this device?

  Lerner states that the plasma inside the device is rapidly ionized by the current, forming into “eight or ten pairs of force-free filaments” which then begin to “roll down the cylinder, propelled by the interaction of their currents with the background magnetic field.” At this juncture, an amazing thing happens: