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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology
SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Read online
Other Books by Joseph P. Farrell:
Roswell and the Reich
Nazi International
Reich of the Black Sun
The S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell
Secrets of the Unified Field
LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy
The Cosmic War
The Giza Death Star
The Giza Death Star Deployed
The Giza Death Star Destroyed
Adventures Unlimited Press
SS Brotherhood of the Bell
Copyright 2006
by Joseph P. Farrell
All Rights Reserved
Published by:
Adventures Unlimited Press
One Adventure Place
Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA
[email protected]
Joseph P. Farrell
Many people have made this book possible. I would like to thank first my friend Richard E Wood, BSC, for assistance and research he undertook at my request on the internet for certain items that appear here and, hopefully, will appear in a subsequent book. I am also profoundly grateful to Mr. Igor Witkowski for such quick and timely answers to my inquiries, and for allowing me to use some of the many photos that appear in his excellent book, The Truth About the Wunderwaffe. I would also like to thank him for first breaking the story of the Bell, which may be the most important story of suppressed science and technology in the 20th century. I hope that my own book will stimulate interest in Mr. Witkowski’s superb research in his The Truth About the Wunderwaffe.
I’d also like to thank Mr. Henry Stevens of the German Research Project and author of Hitler’s Flying Saucers, for loaning me a copy of the story recounted on pages 181 and 182 here. I believe that this story may be the first account of the Bell’s operation and test environs, and I am very grateful to Mr. Stevens for bringing it to my attention. Stevens, like Witkowski, has been a tireless researcher into the realm of exotic Nazi technology and more importantly has kept alive the Nazi origin of some UFOs through his voluminous research.
And as always, thanks to my publisher David Childress, especially for being there when it counted.
Finally and most importantly, thanks to my mother, who put up with me in her basement while I was writing this, during a difficult transition period in my life.
Table of Contents
Part One: The “Background”:
The “Race” to the Moon
Chapter 1: “In the Nick of Time”
A. “We Can Still Lose This War”
B. German Potential in Late 1944 Early 1945
1. Papers for Paperclip: Project Lusty
2. Death Beneath the Seas: The Extraordinary Capabilities of the Type XXI U-Boat
3. Death in the Air: The Sound Barrier Too?
4. Death on the Ground: Weapons of Mass Destruction in Use by the German Army on the Eastern Front in 1941
5. Beyond Nuclear and Thermonuclear Bombs: Indications of a New Physics
Chapter 2: “The Peenemünde Problem”
A. The U.S.A. Gets the Crème de la Crème
B. The U.S.S.R.’s Early Space Achievements
1. Booster and Lift Capabilities
2. The First ICBMs and the Characteristic Russian “Bundle” Rocket
C. What’s Wrong with This Picture?
D. The Real Origin of the Bundle Rocket: “Projekt Zossen”
E. SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler’s “Evacuation” of Peenemünde and the Russian Arrival
1. Strange Events at an “Empty” Site
2. The “Urals Incident”
F. Over-The-Horizon Radars and the Amerikaraket
1. The German “Proto-Transistor” and Television Miniaturization
2. The Problem of the Miniature German Klystron Tube: Roswell, the E.T. Myth and the Nazi Legend Revisited
3. Over the Horizon Radars
Chapter 3: “From Russia with Love”: The Two Space Programs Hypothesis
A. The Two Space Program Hypothesis
1. The Torbitt Document Version
2. The Hidden Planetary Geology, Climate, and Archaeology Versions:
a. The Absurdist Versions
b. A Scientifically and Politically Plausible Version: The Hoagland Version
3. The “Alternative Three” Version
4. Fantasia in the Desert: The William Lyne Version
a. Public Consumption versus Occulted Aether Physics
(1) Lyne’s History of Aether Physics
(2) Lyne’s Version of Tesla Physics
b. The National Security Act and Scientific Suppression
(1) Strange Nazi Parallels
c. The Nazi Role in Occulted Aether Physics
(1) Roswell, MJ-12, and Disinformation
(2) Von Braun’s Alleged Pre-War “P2” Project in New Mexico
5. Both Feet in Atlantis: The “Jan Van Helsing” Version
6. The Dark Moon Version
B. Conclusions and Speculations
1. The Torbitt Version
2. The Hidden Planetary Geology, Climatology and Archaeology Version
3. Jim Keith’s Casebook on Alternative Three Version
4. The William Lyne Version
5. The “Jan Van Helsing” Version
6. The Dark Moon Version
7. Combining the Versions
8. Possible Entities and Requisites for Coordination
Part Two: The “Bell”:
Nazis and Occulted Physics
Chapter 4: “Das Laternenträgerprojekt”: The Bell and Igor Witkowski
A. Igor Witkowski on the Bell
1. The Significance of the Story of the Bell
2. An Obvious Question and a Not So Obvious Answer
3. The Personnel and a New SS Player on the Scene: The Forschugen, Entwicklungen, Patente
a. SS Obergruppenführer Emil Mazuw
b. Prof. Dr. Walther Gerlach
c. The Mysterious Dr Elizabeth Adler
d. Otto Ambros of Auschwitz “Buna” Factory Fame
e. Dr. Kurt Debus
(1) “Kriegsentscheidend”
4. Dr. Hermann Oberth Takes a Trip with some Friends
B. The Operation of the Bell and Its Effects: Witkowski’s Reconstruction of the Bell
1. Where It All Happened
2. The History and CodeNames of the Project
3. The Last Flight of the Ju 390
4. The Design of the Bell and its Effects in Operation
5. Witkowski’s Reconstruction of its Possible Physics
6. A Story from the Neo-Nazi Fringe
7. Mercury Vortex Engines… Again
Chapter 5: “Working in Fields of Physics that were Monstrous on a Daily Basis”
A. Strange Claims and Quotations: Indicators of Wartime German Research in “Scalar” Weapons
1. The “Artificial Rubies” Passage from the Farm Hall Transcripts
2. The Farm Hall Transcripts’ Indications of a German Photochemical Process of Isotope Separation and Enrichment
3. Back to Roswell and the Majestic 12 Documents: Another Odd Corroboration of Possible Nazi Knowledge of Cold Fusion
4. A British Intelligence Agent’s Statement on the Monstrous Areas of Physics being Developed by the Kammlerstab
B. Bearden’s Reconstruction of the History of Scalar Physics
1. Bearden on the State of Electromagnetic, or Electrodynamic, Theory, and the Elements of Scalar, or Quantum Potential, Physics
a. Classical Electrodynamic Theory as a Perpetual Motion Machine
b. What the Soviets (And Nazis) Found on Their Scavenger Hunt: E.T. Whittaker’s Decomposition of Scalar Potentials into Bi-Directional Longitudinal Waves
2. Bearden’s Claims for “Scalar” Physics and its Weaponization
a. The Dangers of Scalar Resonance: Planet-Busting “Doomsday” Implications
b. The Scalar Template and Weapons Applications
3. The Implications of Bearden’s Reconstruction of the History of Scalar Physics
a. Back to “Freya” and “See-Elefant”: The German Over-The-Horizon Radars
b. An Odd Allied Intelligence Report Indicating the Nazi Operation of Scalar Weapons
4. Conclusions and a PostWar Scalar Postscript: the “Scalar Weapons” Nations and Germany
Chapter 6: “For Whom the Bell Tolls”: Scalar Physics, Zero Point Energy, and the Vorticular Aether: A Speculative Reconstruction of the Physics of the Bell
A. U.S. Declassified Patents from the Cold War and SDI
1. Enter the Mossbauer Effect
B. Plasmas, Rotation, Pulses, and Zero Point Energy
1. Plasmas and Transmutation
2. Four Mysteries and Ion Oscillation
3. Paul Brown’s Glow Plasma Oscillator
4. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Self-Organization
5. Oscillation of Plasmas and ZPE Coherence
6. Gray’s Scalar Compression Tube
7. CounterRotating Electromagnetic Fields, ZPE Coherence, and Kontrabary
C. The Vorticular Mechanics of the Aether: The Theories of O.C. Hilgenberg and Carl F. Krafft
D. Back to Mercury Vortex Engines
E. Speculations: The Bell as a Scalar Physics Device
Chapter 7: “Gerlach’s New Alchemy:” The Mysterious Serum 525
A. An Article in the Evening Newspaper
B. Mercury Pyro-Antimonate, or Red Mercury (Mercury Antimony Oxide)
1. Codename DOVE
2. The .01 Kiloton Yield Pure Fusion Bomb: The Logic of Fusion Weapons Development
a. First Generation Weapons
(1) Radiological Weapons (“Dirty Bombs”)
(2) The Semi-Fission, or “Atomic Fizzle” Bomb
(3) The Pure Fission, or Atomic Bomb
b. Second Generation Weapons
(1) Boosted Fission Weapons
(2) Fission-Fsusion (-Fission) or Full Hydrogen Bombs
(3) The Neutron Bomb
(4) The “Salted” or “Doomsday” Bomb
c. Third Generation Weapons: The Pure Fusion, or Pure Hydrogen Bomb
3. The Red Mercury Legend, Recipe, and “Xerum 525”
a. The Red Mercury Legend
b. The Recipe and “Xerum 525”
c. Nuclear Isomers, Spin, GRASERS, and Gerlach
C. Back to the Nazi Atom Bomb: The Implications of the Ohrdruf Test Reconsidered
1. The Claims for the Ohrdruf Test
2. The Implied Existence of a Reactor Technology: Hartek and Houtermann’s “Cold” Reactors and the “Recipe”
D. Briefly Back to Roswell and MAJIC-12: General Nathan Twining’s “White Hot Intelligence Estimate” Reconsidered
E. A Summary and Conclusions
Part Three: The “Brotherhood”:
Nasa’s Nazis, JFK, and MAJIC-12
Chapter 8: “The Day After Corso”: More MAJIC 12 Documents in the Light of Nazi Technology
A. MAJIC-12 Documentary Analysis
1. Document 1: Air Materials Command Secret Memo to Brig. Gen. George Schulgen, Sept 1947.
2. Document 2: Analytical Report of Research and Development Laboratory of 2 September 1947
3. Document 3: Letter of Anonymous Source to Timothy Cooper
4. Document 4: Letter of Anonymous Source to Timothy Cooper Concerning Privitization of MJ-12
5. Document 5: Top Secret/Jehovah NSA Intercept:
6. Document 6: Annex C Fragment
7. Documents 7 and 8: Top Secret Memo of President Roosevelt to General Marshal, 27 February 1942; Double Top Secret Letter of FDR to General Marshall Feb 22/24, 1944
8. Document 9: Recovered, Reconstructed, and Test-Flown “S” Aircraft and Paperclip Personnel Assistance
9. Document 10: Dr. Edward Teller’s Pitch to President Reagan for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Preliminary Scenario Assessment
10. Document 12: The MAJIC-12 Bowen “Encyclopedia of Flying Saucers;” The Kammlerstab, and Nazi Saucers
B. The Day After Corso: An Examination of Corso’s The Day After Roswell in the Light of the Cooper-Cantwheel Documents and German Wartime Technology
1. Corso on the Integrated Circuit and Transistor
2. Lasers
3. Fiber Optics
Chapter 9: “Mae Brussellsprouts”: Nazi Survival and JFK
A. J.F.K’s Policies
B. Mae Brussel on Nazis and JFK
1. Her Thesis
2. Germans and Atsugi AFB, Japan: An Oswald Nazi Link
3. Gehlen and the Russian Orthodox Diaspora
a. Implication: The Infiltration of US Intelligence and Defense
b. Nazis and “the Rogue Element” In US Intelligence
4. Schacht-Onassis
5. Dulles-McCloy on the Warren Commission
6. A Review
7. South American Death Squads: The “Kinder, Gentler Gestapo” for Hire
8. George De Mohrenschildt
9. The Paines, The Oswalds, and General Dornberger
10. Martin Bormann and JFK
11. The “Octopus” Before the “Octopus”: the Bunge Corporation Beats Danny Casolaro by Two Decades
12. More Odd Behavior and Connections: West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger and Nixon
D. The JFK Connection in Early MAJIC-12 Documents
1. Guy Bannister, UFOs, and JFK
E. The Magus of Ingolstadt
1. Bormann and Ingolstadt: A Connection to the Illuminati?
i. Bormann’s Manipulation of Hitler
ii. Bormann’s Surrender of the A-Bomb to the USA: The Hydrick Thesis
iii.Bormann’s “Special Evacuation Command” and Kammler’s Bell: the Nick Cook Thesis
iv. Continuation of Ultra-Black Projects and German “Independence” at White Sands and NASA
F. Skull and Bones and “Secret Germany”
1. 2004: Bonesman Bush versus Bonesman Kerry
2. Daddy and Dubya Bush: The RNC and the Eastern European Émigré Community
3. Secret Germany
d. The Hohenzollerns Become Grand Masters of the Order
b. Hitler’s Only Known Initiation
E. Final Thoughts
Chapter 10: “What is the Brotherhood of the Bell?” the Brotherhood of the Bell in History and Practice
A. Nick Redfern’s FBI Documents on Nazis and UFOs
In the preface to my previous book on wartime German secret weapons, Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend, I mentioned my youthful reaction to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and my perplexity with the subsequent findings of the Warren Commission and its “lone nut magic bullet” theory. I then proceeded to mention another curious anomaly of the history I had learned in school, namely, the fact that the U.S. military had not tested the uranium “shotgun” atom bomb it had dro
pped on Hiroshima. The mention of those two odd events in that Preface was not accidental nor merely a whim, for the two events are not unrelated. Indeed, they are not even loosely unrelated, as there are direct threads – and in some cases whole cables – connecting both.
I am not the first author to draw attention to the pervasive Nazi connections lurking in the background of the JFK assassination, nor, I imagine, will I be the last. The well-known conspiracy theorist and JFK assassination researcher Mae Brussell was perhaps the first major “alternative researcher” to speak out about this aspect of the assassination. Others followed in her wake, adding a detail here or a story there, but it was Brussell who first courageously unearthed the most sensational details. Notwithstanding her ability to ferret out the detailed connections of conspiracy, however, even she managed to miss perhaps the most important lynch-pin connecting Nazis, the Roswell episode, and one possible motivation for the JFK assassination: Nazi technology.
However, to the average reader, even one predisposed to believe in some sort of conspiracy involved with the cold-blooded murder of President Kennedy, the idea that there is a Nazi connection must seem to stretch credulity. Even Brussell urged that to draw such connections would have been beyond the wildest yarn of Robert Ludlum, popular and well-known writer of espionage thrillers throughout the 1970s and 1980s. But to maintain a connection between all that and to Roswell, the establishment of the MAJIC-12 group, and indeed, the establishment of the whole “national security” intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government, would seem to stretch credulity to the snapping point. But that, indeed, is what I believe in part to be the case. And that case is what this book is, in part, about.